Infiniti CareInfiniti CareInfiniti Care
Unit 12, Steeple House, Percy Street CV1 3BY Coventry
Infiniti CareInfiniti CareInfiniti Care

Domiciliary Care

Our Services

What is In-Home Senior Care?

Live-in care for seniors involves a caregiver moving into the home of the elderly individual in need of assistance. While this transition may initially seem daunting, our approach involves meticulously matching the requirements of your loved one with the appropriate caregiver, ensuring a smooth transition to live-in care. The services provided by the live-in caregiver are customized to meet the unique needs of your loved one. Furthermore, companionship remains a vital aspect of our care philosophy. Our live-in caregivers not only attend to practical needs but also offer companionship, whether it’s sharing meals, watching television together, or engaging in activities outside the home.
Our Services

What does In-Home Senior Care Include?

Typically, a live-in caregiver for seniors provides invaluable support by addressing a wide range of daily needs, all customized to suit the unique requirements of your elderly loved one. From personal care to household assistance, the responsibilities of a live-in caregiver encompass a diverse array of tasks aimed at ensuring the well-being and comfort of your family member. Some of the essential roles and tasks that a live-in caregiver can undertake include:

Assist with getting up in the morning

Assistance with personal grooming and hygiene

Assist with outings and excursions

Help with paperwork and correspondence

Help with the housekeeping

Help to attend medical & other appointments

Accompany to social gatherings

Assist clients with entertaining friends and family

Provide companionship and friendship

Our Services

How Much does ln- Home Senior Care Costs

The expenses associated with live-in care are subject to variation based on the specific needs of the individual and the level of specialized expertise required by the caregiver. Depending on your situation, there are avenues available for financial assistance to help cover the costs of care. These options can include accessing funds from various sources, such as:

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)