Infiniti CareInfiniti CareInfiniti Care
Unit 12, Steeple House, Percy Street CV1 3BY Coventry
Infiniti CareInfiniti CareInfiniti Care

Caring for
Your Loved
Ones, Just
Like Family
About us
Our Services

Your Partner in Senior Care Solutions

With a focus on personalized care, we cater to diverse requirements, acknowledging that every person’s journey is unique. In essence, our dedication to personalized care is not just a philosophy; it’s a guiding principle that shapes every aspect of our approach. It’s about recognizing and celebrating the unique qualities that make each person who they are, and honoring their journey with the dignity, respect, and compassion they deserve.

Domiciliary Care

Live-in care entails a caregiver residing within the home of the individual receiving care, offering dedicated support and assistance as needed.


Personal care encompasses assisting individuals with their personal hygiene, dressing, toileting, and maintaining their personal appearance.

Personal Care

Providing care isn't limited to daytime hours; for many individuals requiring home care, overnight or round-the-clock care may be essential.

Respite Care

Should your loved one require assistance with toileting and incontinence care, we're here to lend a helping hand with compassion and understanding.

Incontinence Aid

Respite care serves as a temporary care solution during the absence of the primary caregiver.

Overnight Care

As part of their caregiving responsibilities, our skilled caregivers can assist your loved one in managing their medications.

Guiding Hands, Gentle Hearts: Elderly Care Redefined

At the heart of our philosophy is a commitment to holistic well-being, addressing not just physical needs but also emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. Through personalized care plans and meaningful interactions, we strive to enhance quality of life, empowering seniors to live with purpose and joy

Where Every Elderly Journey Matters

In our realm of elderly care, every journey is a narrative worth cherishing. Here, we embrace the essence of each individual’s unique story, weaving compassion and expertise into a tapestry of dignity and respect. From the milestones of yesteryears to the quiet joys of today, we stand as guardians of every elderly journey, nurturing a legacy of compassion and companionship. It’s not just about providing care; it’s about honoring the rich tapestry of experiences that shape each person’s path. In our sanctuary of support, every elderly journey matters, celebrated with reverence and cherished with unwavering devotion.
Where Expertise Meets Comfort

Your In-Home Elderly Care Specialists

With tailored solutions and unwavering support, we’re here to ensure comfort, dignity, and peace of mind for both seniors and their families. Trust us to navigate the complexities of aging with skill and empathy, making every day at home a testament to our commitment to excellence in elderly care. With us by your side, you can rest assured that your loved one is in the caring hands of professionals who treat them with the utmost respect and compassion. Together, let’s redefine what it means to age gracefully and live fully, embracing each day with purpose and dignity in the comfort of home.

Outline your Needs to Us

rust us to listen attentively and respond with empathy, putting your priorities at the forefront of our care strategy

Care Plan Development

Based on the assessment, we will develop a customized care plan outlining the specific services needed, such as personal care, medication management, etc.

Selection of a Carer

We will assign a suitable carer based on the care plan, availability, and compatibility with the individual's personality and preferences

Commencement of Care

Once everything is in place, the scheduled care visits can begin according to the agreed-upon schedule.

Reserve Your Home Carer Today!

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)